Criminal History 'Self-Disclosure Report' Form

Completing this Form is FREE and up-dates the ‘official’ background report we have on file for you, so you are not required to obtain and pay for a background report every year during your program of study here. Please remember that you are obligated to voluntarily report any new charges or convictions to us that you acquire after an official background report or after this ‘Self-Disclosure Report’.

Self-Reporting Your Criminal Background is IMPORTANT!
Tip #1: Always be honest – even if something doesn’t show on an official background report. In some counties, when you have “charges” that are dismissed or dropped through a diversion program, these “charges” don’t appear on background reports; but in other counties, as in Lancaster County, they do. There are some employers who will look at your background report but who may also access county records. So even if a “charge” doesn’t show on your background report, you will want to tell a prospective employer that you acquired the charge! Having a dismissed “charge” won’t cost you a job, but not disclosing all information openly and honestly can!

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Your NUID number, also commonly called Student ID # or Employee ID # is eight digits long and is just above the bar code on your N-Card.
Your Password is the same password you use to access your 'MyRed' account. If you need to re-set your password, go to TrueYou or contact the Help Desk at: 402 472-3970 for assistance.